Buying and selling during COVID-19
On Tuesday 15 August 2023, all COVID-19 public health requirements were removed. There are some public health recommendations that remain.
These guidelines should be read alongside the guidelines provided on the Unite against COVID-19(external link) and link) websites.
Key points if you are buying or selling a property:
- If you test positive for COVID-19, it is recommended you isolate for at least 5 days, even if you only have mild symptoms, and stay at home until you are recovered.
- If you are attending a property or an agency, be respectful and please comply with all health and safety requirements. Some places may continue to ask people to wear a face mask. For example, the vendor may ask that all visitors wear a mask before entering their property.
- Public health advice encourages people to wear a face mask in close, crowded or confined spaces, or when visiting people at high risker risk of becoming seriously unwell.
- People who are household contacts of a positive case are encouraged to wear a face mask.
Official guidance for Real Estate Professionals
The Real Estate Authority - Te Mana Papawhenua is the independent government agency that regulates the New Zealand real estate industry. Read the official COVID-19 guidelines for real estate activities at link)

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